#BRILLIANT | Roxana Voloșeniuc: O revistă de lifestyle trebuie să fie un fel de oglindă a societăţii

14 noiembrie 2021, 15:00

De atunci au trecut 20 de ani și peste ea și peste revista pe care o conduce. Care, la rândul ei, a devenit, un manual de rafinament și bun gust pentru femeile din România.

Roxana Voloșeniuc creează tipare vestimentare, inovează concepte și nu de puține ori, a schimbat, prin ideile sale nonconformiste, moda străzii din România în ultimele doua decenii.

Să-i ascultăm povestea, la #BRILLIANT, alături de Loredana Negrilă!



„I figure, if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one. I just love bossy women. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means somebody’s passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn’t mind learning.”

Roxana Voloșenouc was very young when she decided she wanted to be a great lifestyle journalist, and while it would be a long time before she became the Editor-in-Chief of the fashion magazine Elle Romania, her talent was evident from the get-go. And it’s not the outward accoutrements like having nice things, but how she conducts herself in a way which is different from others.

Being a “go-getter” is putting dreams into action. It is envisioning great opportunities in the future. When she envisions positive outcomes, she is more likely to achieve those visions. Her mind thrives on creative and critical thinking. Chasing her dreams and working to make her powerful thoughts a wonderful reality is her definition of being a “go-getter,” and it is a great perspective to have in general!

She began her career as a model and she first started working for Elle in 1999.

In 2017, she was photographed on the red carpet at the Pirelli Gala in New York.

Watch now her full interview with Loredana Negrilă !


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